vineri, 4 septembrie 2009

Un polonez vs. Monica Macovei - spiritul civic al unui cetatean UE sau atac murdar?

Am primit si eu zilele trecute scrisoarea polonezului Stanislaw Pigon adresata membrilor comisiei LIBE din Parlamentul European si in special presedintelui acestei comisii, insa cum nu se referea la niste lucruri concrete mi-am propus sa ii scriu sa il intreb la ce se refera. Numai ca a aparut situatia cu anularea vizitei ministrului de externe in Olanda, posibilitatea realizarii unui interviu si discursul presedintelui in fata diplomatilor romani privind obiectivele de politica externa si nu mi-a ajuns ziua sa ii trimit un mail polonezului. Am vazut pe Antena 3 dezbatut subiectul, am citit ceva pe Ziua, a facut subiectul, dar, in rest, n-am prea vazut o reflectare a acestuia. Pentru ca aceia dintre voi care sunteti interesati de ce zicea polonezul in primul email, iata-l (luat cu copy-paste din mail):

Señor Lopez Aguillar,

With this e-mail I am seeking your advice and assistance of your office e.g. the Chairman of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs . As an EU citizen I would like to request that EP checks potential role of MEP Ms. Monica Macovei in covering up corruption, potentially abusing various non-profit organizations funds for her private commercial operations in the South East Europe, in particular at the time of her employment at the British Embassy in Skopje that also covers period of recent elections to the European Parliament. (Ca cetatean al UE, polonezul cere Parlamentului European sa cerceteze rolul Monicai Macovei de a ascunde acte de coruptie privind potentialul abuz al fondurilor unor ONG-uri din sud-estul Europei, in perioada in care a lucrat in Macedonia pentru guvernul macedonean.)

Please kindly note that I have no prejudice and I fully understand and respect the most important rule of freedom and democracy: a person is innocent until proved otherwise. I write because earlier Ms. Macovei declined to answer my questions; doing so in my perception she might try to put herself above the EU Law.

I do not bring any allegations, but as an EU citizen I would like to request a review of the MEP Ms. Monica Macovei’s potential involvement in non-transparent tendering procedure through which she has secured herself a lucrative contract from the British Government (still acting as the Romanian Minister of Justice). I would like to seek investigation that clarifies if Ms. Macovei used funds of the British companies - she intensively lobbied for in Macedonia - during her recent election campaign to European Parliament. (Sustine ca nu face niciun fel de acuzatii insa ar vrea ca investigatia sa clarifice daca Monica macovei a folosit fonduri ale companiilor birtanice pe langa care a facut lobby pentru finantarea campaniei pentru alegerile europene). I would like to have also clarified if the Romanian electorate was properly informed about Ms. Macovei’s service to the British Government at the time of recent elections to EP. As an EU citizen I have doubts about those issues, and I think I have a right to request from EP to make those issues fully transparent and public.

I hope You kindly agree with me that there should be no secret about commercial operations and tax reporting of the MEP, especially of members of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs . In particular I think that the MEP should declare, especially during election campaign, all sources of her/his personal tax liability and that includes income that is derived from various conferences and seminar allowances that the MEP profited simultaneously to her/ his commercial operations.

If these issues are not in competence of your office please kindly advice to which office or person in the EP or other EU institution should I forward my request, providing documents and sharing facts that I know.

With kind regards,
Stanislaw Pigon

Ieri a mai trimis un mesaj, de aceasta data destinat si presedintelui Parlamentului European, Jerzy Busek, un polonez de-al sau, si Monicai Macovei, trecuta in CC, si membrilor LIBE, in care detaliaza putin la ce se refera:

Szanowny Panie Przewodniczący Parlamentu Europejskiego,

Dear Mister Chairman of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs,

After unprecedented attack on my person yesterday by MEP Ms. Macovei in the Romanian newspaper Ziare I have been contacted by numerous Romanian media. In relation to this I would like to re-iterate the reasons why I wrote the letter to Your Excellencies yesterday.

1. MEP Ms. Macovei will be in the next few years shaping the European Laws. As the EU citizen I have doubts if she will be doing so as a smart businesswoman that makes a lot of money on the so called corruption fighting activities and how independent her contributions would be. My doubts come from issues related to MEP Ms. Macovei employment by the British Government, possibly including the period of her election campaign to the EP, that have never been transparently clarified.

2. One of the Romanian newspapers posts on its Web Site a statement that MEP Ms. Macovei was paid in 2008 ca 100 000 Euro by the British Embassy in Skopje for her consulting services (please see the file attached). It is not revealed how much money MEP Ms. Macovei cashed from the British Government in 2007 and if she continued to be on the British Government payroll during her election campaign to EP in Romania in 2009. It is not revealed how much time MEP Ms. Macovei worked fighting corruption in Macedonia. (Declaratia de avere a Monicai Macovei indica faptul ac in 2008 a fost platita cu circa 100.000 de euro de Ambasada britanica din Skopje, iar polonezul noteaza faptul ca nu se arata cati bani a primit domana Macovei de la Guvernul Britanic in 2007 si daca a continuat sa fie platita de acesta si in timpul campaniei pentru europene din 2009).

3. During the last year Anticorruption Conference in Athens organized by Transparency International MEP Ms. Macovei presented herself as EU Twinning expert, that was eventually clarified by the organizer as false, but it rises a question what was other income generated by MEP Ms. Macovei commercial activities and other non-commercial activities that MEP Ms. Macovei participated in 2007, 2008 and 2009, simultaneously to her lucrative contract provided by the British Government. Her statement to Transparency International Romania reveals at least 10 of such events, and it is unclear if at the moment of starting her commercial activities in Macedonia MEP Ms. Macovei ceased her activities as an anticorruption icon in that NGO.

4. MEP Ms. Macovei orchestrated an abuse of my name in the Romanian press. I would not expect anything else. Private person who dares to discuss potential corruption is always attack by those who prefer their activities are kept secret. However, I hope that the same will not take place in the European Parliament proceedings. I do hope that those proceedings will reveal and compare among others the following details : a/ MEP Ms. Macovei exact dates of contract with the British Government b/ MEP Ms. Macovei ending dates of service as Minister of Justice in Romania, c/ MEP Ms. Macovei application /entering dates in tender that awarded her a contract from the British as well as d/ MEP Ms. Macovei starting dates of her election campaign to EP and finally e/ dates of Ms. Macovei assumption of her duties as MEP.

5. MEP Ms. Macovei in her press statement boasts assurances of her employer the British Government (without giving any dates or revealing any details) and claims that I was well informed about details and terms of MEP Ms. Macovei contract, including dates of the tender (starting and closing), dates of publication of the shortlisted candidates and the dates of publication of MEP Ms. Macovei award of the contract, and where one can see the history of this tender e.g. shortlisted candidates ( this is a standard procedure of EU tenders for example). I like to kindly inform you that I never received any correspondence from any FCO department or any British Embassy related to commercial activities of MEP Ms. Macovei. If MEP Ms. Macovei has a copy of such a correspondence she should publish it in the press and make it available to Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Without publication of those dates it impossible to judge for example a/ if MEP Ms. Macovei participated in tender still as the Romanian Minister of Justice and how fast was her transfer from her employment by the Romanian Government to her employment by the British Government b/ if there were other experts participating in tender or MEP Ms. Macovei was the only candidate, who eventually was awarded the contract.

MEP Ms. Macovei is a seasoned politician and using her party propaganda apparatus launched in Romanian press an attack on me - an ordinary EU citizen - trying to prevent review of her commercial activities. I do hope this will have no influence on independent judgment of MEPs participating in Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.

With kind regards,
Stanislaw Pigon

Refuz sa ma pronunt asupra acestui subiect. Am auzit opinii diferite: fie e atitudinea civica si dreptul unui cetatean UE de a trage la raspundere un parlamentar european, platit din banii sai, fie este un atac murdar la Monica Macovei.

Poate voi gasiti si o alta explicatie, poate puteti sa spuneti exact ce e.

10 comentarii:

  1. te inteleg in justificarea ta si ai dreptate. sa speram ca se vor lamuri treburile pe subiect si vom afla si noi adevarul.

  2. nu sunt jurnalist de investigatie, dar cred ca o clarificare ar putea veni in urma unei investigatii de presa sau de la PE, daca va gasi relevanta ingrijorarea (sau ce-o fi) unuia dintre cetatenii UE.

  3. @Menaru - da, asa ceva trebuie, dar si institutiile astea UE au devenit la randul lor ocrotitoare ale functionarilor proprii (ca la noi). cel mai indicat ar fi totusi tot o ancheta de presa.

  4. Banuiesc ca poti sa ai o idee mai buna daca ai sti exact contextul, nu pot sa cred ca un simplu cetatean polonez a investigat-o dezinteresat pe Monica Macovei. desi nu dau o la o parte ce zice as fi inclinat sa cred ca acest simplu cetatean UE este probabil bun prieten cu un alt cetatean european Adrian Severin, care a mai practicat atacuri miselesti la adresa Monica Macovei

  5. Se leaga de Monica Macovei cand sunt oameni precum fiica prea bine cunoscuta, Ciobanasul luminii, nationalistul susu sunt MEP si care nu au nici o treaba cu sprijinirea si ridicarea nivelului de trai al oamenilor din UE.
    Totusi.. se leaga de Monica Macovei.
    Parerea mea ca e rea intentie sau chiar lansarea unui scandal voit pentru a inlatura o persoana care are potential.

    Monica Macovei nu e prima data cand a fost inlaturata ca a atacat pe un vinovat bine pozitionat (om politic de pe la noi).

  6. pana una-alta, dl pigon spune in a doua scrisoare ca a fost atacat teribil de mm in ziarele romanesti. am cautat articolele respective si cel mai dur cuvant folosit de mm se refera la acuze - "sunt nefondate".
    dc asta considera pigon ca e "atac fara precedent" si ii mai provoaca o scrisoare, inseamna ca are o problema.
    exista un spigon pe facebook care pozeaza in tricou cu "i love mk", dc asta e, posibil sa se fi ciocnit cumva la skopje cu mm si sa fi ramas nemultumit de ceva. ce?

  7. Macovei este inamicul nr 1 al socialistilor.
    Atacurile murdare ar inceput mai demult...
    Socialistii au pus-o pe lista cu cei mai prosti candidati (la sugestia PSD) dupa ce a fost declarata de PPE femeia anului in Europa in 2008. Iar PPE are multe femei mari in politica :)

  8. Neah, tipul o face pur si simplu din razbunare. Doar zice ca Macovei a zis nu stiu ce chestie in presa roamneasca despre el.

    Ce mi se pare curios e de ce nu s-a sesizat guvernul britanic cu serviciile lui secrete super-destepte daca intr-adevar a fost ceva putred si s-a sesizat un polac nesimnificativ. E pur si simplu razbunare puerila. O sa-i treaca. Ignorati-l. Daca ii dati atentie ii faceti un serviciu.

  9. Da, socialistii au atacat-o din greu si nu se vor opri, e adevarat.
    Si da, sunt de acord si cu cei ce spun ca probabil s-au incrucisat prin Macedonia, MM si polonezul respectiv.
    Pentru ca, totusi, sa suspectam ca ar fi asa, pe departe, o lucratura a socialistilor... nu stiu ce sa zic. nu e prea mare efortul? serios, eu nu mi-as pierde timpul cu asta, daca as fi in locul lor. daca as fi in locul lui severin eu mi-as face lobby acum pentru mult visatul post de comisar.:)

  10. E evident o lucratura a aripii media a PSD: AnteneleX. Nici nu trebuie cautat mai departe.

    Fara nici o dovada decat un Email trimis de o persoana ramasa neidentificata si cu o aiureala de explicatie cum ca persoana respectiva ar fi fost "abuzata" (sic) in presa romana de catre M.Macovei, cand nici macar nu s-a auzit de aiureala asta inainte de a fi preluata (citeste inventata) de Antene si Ziua, 2 institutii media care nu fac decat sa atace pe Basescu si aliatii sai. Si care evident ca nu abuzeaza persoana respectiva, ba dimpotriva.

    O aruncare cu rahat in campania electorala construita pe baze ciudate de-a dreptul : un email.
